Ep29 - How to Meditate: Yunha Kim

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How she came to start Simple Habit.
  • How she discovered meditation.
  • The benefits of mediation.
  • How just five minutes a day can help you achieve better mindfulness.
  • And we discuss more about the Simple Habit app.

    High Five Highlights:

    • What was your first indication that – “hey this mindfulness thing works”? I immediately felt calm and less stressed about things, and wanted to keep trying it.
    • For someone listening, that is still skeptical about meditation – what do you say to them right now? Just give it a try for five minutes, that all and it’s free.
    • You have accomplished so much in your life, what is your key to success? Strive for passion in what you do, ask yourself when you wake up in the morning, do you feel passionate about the problem you are solving? If so you’re on the right track.
    • Do you have a favorite quote you can share? 20 years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you choose not to do, than by the things you choose to do. ~ Mark Twain
    • What is your favorite meditation on the Simple Habit app? Just Got Home … which allows you to let go of the workday and be more present in your life at home.

    Connect with Yunha

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