Ep53 - Beating Chronic Conditions with Veganism: David Carter

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Why he switched to a 100% plant based diet.
  • Tips on how to transition to a vegan diet.
  • How you get chronic inflammation.
  • What he eats on a daily basis.
  • His involvement with Team Humane League.

High Five Highlights:

  • David, people think it’s unmanly to eat a vegan diet. What do you say about that? I feel the title “manly” is an anxiety disorder. People need to re-evaluate what “manliness” is. The manly thing to do is to protect your family. That includes a knowledge of food, so you’re not feeding your child three hot dogs, which is the equivalent of giving your child a pack of cigarettes to smoke. If you ask me, that’s not manly; the lack of knowledge is not manly.
  • Were you able to convert any of your teammates to a vegan diet? Yes, a couple of teammates and other athletes.
  • If you could go to dinner with anyone in the world, deceased or alive, who would it be and why? Marcus Garvey.
  • Do you have a favorite book or quote you can share? “The cave you fail to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
  • "Finish this sentence: “Throughout my life the most important thing I’ve learned is...” Meet people where they are.

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