Selected Podcast

Ep61 - Higher Self-Awareness: Dr. Tasha Eurich

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Why being self-aware is so important.
  • The question you should ask to become more self-aware.
  • What the “daily check-in” is and how it can provide you with self data to find patterns in your life that can be most effective in providing internal self-awareness.
  • How to use a “Loving Critic” to get necessary feedback on yourself.
  • Two criteria to follow when getting feedback on yourself.
  • What is it that self-aware people do differently than everyone else -- and is that so important?
  • How we survive and thrive in a delusional word.
  • More from her new book, INSIGHT: Why We’re Not as Self-Aware as We Think, and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life.

High Five Highlights:

  • What made you want to write this book? The lack of self-awareness I see everywhere around me and my belief in that if we work on it, we can see powerful improvements in our life.
  • Can you tell me about someone who is very self-aware? I have a friend who transformed a company on the brink of bankruptcy to one of the most record-setting years of his business within five years. He believes that awareness is understanding himself and doing the same thing with his team. It doesn’t just transform us, it can transform the systems and the institutions we are a part of.
  • Looking back, what advice would you give your younger self? Just to calm down. I have always been a hyper-perfectionist. One thing I’ve learned is the more vulnerable, personal and imperfect I am, the easier it is to help share my message.
  • Do you have a favorite quote or book you can share? “Whatever you do, or dream you can’t, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
  • "Finish this sentence: “Throughout my life the most important thing I’ve learned is...” The things that are truly important don’t always feel as important when you need to remember it. In other words, pay attention to your friends, family, and loved ones, and spend time nurturing those relationships, and not to get caught up in all the craziness.

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