Encore Episode: Embracing Uncertainty: Allison Carmen

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Most of the time we suffer because we think we know or we project a negative outcome. “Maybe” cuts that negative projection and allows you to live in the moment.
  • The beauty of uncertainty and why you need to embrace it.
  • Why “not knowing” is the most liberating place we can live.
  • Why you can’t live your best life when you’re complacent.
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High Five Highlights:

  • Can “maybe” be used at any age? Yes, making your kids “maybe” thinkers will help them to be more aware and open to solutions.
  • Advice she would give her younger self: stop worrying so much, and live a life of gratitude.
  • Book she would share: Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness.
  • Favorite quote: Maybe everything’s okay.
  • Best advice she was given: Her uncle that would say, “When worrying helps, call me and then I’ll worry about it, but until then I’m not going to worry about anything.”

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