However, there is a third option called the ‘freeze’ response.
When we freeze, the emotional and physical components of the traumatic event are stored on a cellular level. During a myofascial release treatment (MFR) it is not uncommon for these emotions, events and memories to come to the surface and be released allowing people to understand why they have certain physical or behavioral patterns in life. This, in turn, allows for closure to the traumatic experience.
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MFR focuses on releasing the restrictions within the fascial system, helping with a host of injuries and ailments in children and adults ranging from neck and back pain, arthritis and degenerative disk disease to headaches and migraines, sciatica, scoliosis and sports injuries to name a few.
Fascia, a web of connective tissue that spreads from head to toe, covers and interpenetrates every muscle, bone, vessel, nerve and cell in the body. Restricted fascia is often a major source of pain.
MFR therapists apply gentle and sustained elongation or compression in the areas of tightness or pain, releasing the fascia and freeing up the spaces in between the joints, muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels. The treatment realigns the body, restores fluidity, elongates elastin and collagen fibers and results in increased flexibility, strength and function.
Listen as Sepi Aeen of From the Heart Physical Therapy joins host Lisa Davis to explain what MFR is and how it can be used for a variety of ails.

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