Protect Yourself from Sunstroke and Heat Illness

If you or your kids will be spending long periods of time in the sun, then you better know the signs of heat stroke.
Outdoor activities are fun - and very much looked forward to, especially after a particularly long winter!

But there is a hidden danger lurking every time you or your children exert yourself or spend too much time in the sun.

High levels of UV rays due to long periods of sun exposure can cause serious health problems if you don't protect yourself.

Special guest, Dr. Charles Pattavina, shares with you the warning signs of heat illness, how to best protect you and your family from sunburn, and the necessary supplies you should have with you while having fun in the sun!

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: ER_101/1323er5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Dr. Charles Pattavina, MD
  • Guest Bio: Charles Pattavina, MD, FACEP, is the Chief of Emergency Medicine at St. Joseph Hospital in Bangor, ME. He is a past member of the ACEP board of directors and is a long time ACEP spokesperson. Dr. Pattavina is also a winner of the prestigious ACEP James D. Mills Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Medicine Award, which he received in 2010.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Dr. Leigh Vinocur