Selected Podcast

Why We Are Losing the War on Cancer

Ten years ago, journalist and cancer survivor, Clifton Leaf, began to investigate why scientists haven't made more progress fighting cancer.

Now in his book, The Truth in Small Doses, Leaf shares the startling answer.

His book is a gripping narrative that reveals why our nation's huge, 40-year investment in cancer research may have been badly spent, why scientists rarely share their data with each other, why new drugs are so expensive yet often fail to deliver a cure, and why our best hope for progress - brilliant young scientists - are now abandoning the search for a cure.

Leaf shares the unsettling truth that inspired his book - and provides new hope for a healthier, cancer-free tomorrow.

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Why We Are Losing the War on Cancer
Clifton Leaf
clifton leafClifton Leaf, a winner of the Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism and a two-time finalist for the National Magazine Award, was until recently a guest editor for the New York Times op-ed page and Sunday Review. Previously, he was executive editor at the Wall Street Journal's SmartMoney magazine and, prior to that, executive editor at Fortune, where he also wrote a number of prominent feature articles. It was after one such writing assignment, a 2004 Fortune cover story entitled "Why We're Losing the War on Cancer (and How to Win It)," that Cliff began working to change the way the global cancer fight is funded and pursued, pushing for ways to speed up progress against the disease.

A keynote or featured speaker at some 30 scientific conferences around the world, Cliff has presented testimony to the President's Cancer Panel three times, given a plenary address at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and delivered "Grand Rounds" at the National Cancer Institute, the only journalist ever to be given that honor. A recipient of the Henry R. Luce Award for public service, the NIHCM's Health Care Journalism Award and several leadership awards from leading patient organizations, Cliff has been a moderator or panelist in numerous cancer-related meetings, including three Capitol Hill briefings for members of Congress. For three years, he also served on the national board of directors for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the world's largest breast cancer charity.