Selected Podcast

How Harmless Are Electronic Cigarettes?

You've probably seen a magazine or TV ad for e-cigarettes -- the small, battery-operated devices that are "smoked" like regular cigarettes.

Although this new technology seems like a safer alternative to smoking tobacco, is it really just "harmless water vapor"?

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD, professor of medicine at University of California San Francisco, talks about why this product is illegal in Australia and Canada, and where the U.S. Food and Drug Administration stands on the issue.

Dr. Glantz, who has dedicated his academic career to studying secondhand smoke and tobacco control policies, shares his views on whether e-cigarettes call for warning labels, government regulation or an outright ban.


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How Harmless Are Electronic Cigarettes?
Stanton A. Glantz, PhD
Dr. GlantzDr. Glantz has been speaking out both publicly and through his blog on the necessity to regulate e-cigarettes just like regular tobacco cigarettes. Dr. Glantz is Professor of Medicine and the American Legacy Foundation Distinguished Professor of Tobacco Control. Dr. Glantz conducts research on a wide range of topics ranging from the health effects of secondhand smoke (with particular emphasis on the cardiovascular system) to the efficacy of different tobacco control policies.