Personalized Cancer Treatment

Treating cancer isn't the same for everyone. Sometimes several drugs are tried while the patient just gets sicker.

But what if your doctor could know beforehand how your cancer will respond to a certain therapy?

That's where Champions TumorGrafts come in. Using an individualized approach to cancer treatment, the TumorGraft helps find the right drug for a specific person's cancer -- without testing on the patient.

David Sidransky, MD, explains how this personalized cancer treatment works. Dr. Sidransky is a world-renowned oncologist and chairman of the board of directors for Champions Oncology.

Learn how this remarkable technology can improve treatment and extend the lives of cancer patients.


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Personalized Cancer Treatment
David Sidransky, MD
Dr. David Sidransky is the Chairman of Champions Oncology and a world renowned oncologist and scientist. He is the Director of Head and Neck Cancer Research Division at Johns Hopkins University School and Professor of Oncology, Otolaryngology, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Urology, Genetics and Pathology at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital. He was named by Time magazine as one of the top physicians and scientists in America, recognized for his groundbreaking work with early detection of cancer. Dr. Sidransky is one of the most highly cited researchers in clinical and medical journals in the world, specifically in the field of oncology during the past decade.