One Nurse's Shift of a Lifetime

It's often said that nurses are the backbone of the American healthcare system.

Almost everyone will be in the care of a nurse at some point, but most people have no idea what nurses really do.

The new book, The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients' Lives, gives an insider's view of a typical shift at a cancer ward, including all the fears, joys and heartbreaks.

Tune in to hear from author Theresa Brown, RN, a frequent contributor to the New York Times opinion page.

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One Nurse's Shift of a Lifetime
Theresa Brown, RN
TheresaTheresa Brown, RN, works as a clinical nurse and is a frequent contributor to the New York Times opinion pages as well as on the Times Opinionator blog. She has also been a contributor to the popular “Well” section of that paper and writes for and other national media.Brown received her BSN from the University of Pittsburgh and, during what she calls her past life, a PhD in English from the University of Chicago. 

Before becoming a nurse she taught English at Tufts University. Today, her focus is medical oncology and end-of-life issues. She lectures nationally, is a board member of the Center for Health Media and Policy at the Bellevue School of Nursing at Hunter College. Brown was a panelist for the TEDMED’s Great Challenges of Health and Medicine initiative and is also involved in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s “Flip the Clinic” initiative and an advisory board member for Scrubs Magazine. She lives with her husband and three children in Pennsylvania.