Selected Podcast

Using Biotechnology to End World Hunger

World hunger may seem like a problem far from home.

But, here's an interesting way it affects all of us: whether or not we support GMO produce.

Dr. Roizen's guest this week is Sarah Davidson Evanega, PhD, the director of the Cornell Alliance for Science.

One of her messages is that not all GMOs are created equal. For example, an insect-resistant eggplant in Bangladesh dramatically reduces the need for pesticides and raises the farmers' yields... so much that many are able to make big changes to their lives, like putting warm nutritious food in front of their children three times a day.

Join Dr. Roizen and Dr. Evanega to learn more about how she's fighting world hunger through biotechnology.

Talking to Your Kids About Drugs & Alcohol
Using Biotechnology to End World Hunger
Sarah Davidson Evanega, PhD
Sara-EvanegaSarah Davidson Evanega, PhD, received her PhD in the field of Plant Biology from Cornell University in 2009, for which she conducted an interdisciplinary study combining work in plant molecular biology with science communication. Her dissertation focused on the controversy over genetically engineered papaya in developing countries with a specific focus on Thailand. She came to Cornell after completing a BA in Biology at Reed College. 

Lured by great weather, plenty of water, and an unbeatable intellectual environment, she remained at Cornell University after completing her PhD to help lead a global project to help protect the world’s wheat from wheat stem rust. Sarah now serves as the PI and Director for the Cornell Alliance for Science—a global communications effort that promotes evidence-based decision-making in agriculture. She teaches courses on agricultural biotechnology at the graduate and undergraduate level. In addition, she serves as Senior Associate Director of International Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and holds an adjunct appointment in the Section of Plant Breeding & Genetics in the integrated School of Plant Sciences at Cornell. Sarah was instrumental in launching the CALS initiative, AWARE (Advancing Women in Agriculture through Research and Education) which promotes women in agriculture. 

Sarah grew up in a small agricultural village in northwest Illinois.