Selected Podcast

The Surprising Way Germs Keep You Healthy

It may be gross to think about, but you depend on germs... all 100 trillion in or on your own body. 

They help you digest your food, pick the right person to love, and raise an alarm to the brain when something in your body goes haywire.

So how do we embrace these germs? 

Dr. Roizen talks with Jason Tetro, aka "The Germ Guy," about his new book, The Germ Files, and the critical role germs play in our everyday lives.

While Tetro says 99.9% of germs are healthy (or at least harmless), a few germy spots make him say "yuck." 

Find out which spots in your home really need a wipe-down, plus discover the amazing ways germs can boost your health... from slimming down to staying well.

Healthy Must-Haves for Your Pantry
The Surprising Way Germs Keep You Healthy
Jason Tetro, Author
jtJason Tetro is the author of The Germ Files and is a microbiologist who has spent the last 25 years learning about the effect germs have on our lives. In 2007, he ventured out of the lab and into the TV studio for a Q&A news segment on CTV Ottawa as "The Germ Guy." He has since broadcast and written for a wide range of media, including the Toronto StarScientific American, and Huffington Post, the CBC and his own blog. In 2011, he was awarded an honourary PhD in Social Media from Social Media University Global in recognition of his work to improve hand hygiene through social media using the hashtag #handhygiene, which has now been adopted by the World Health Organization. He lives in Toronto.