?What is Positive Psychology? 

Listen in to learn about the power of positive psychology.
Sometimes it seems as if you are bombarded by negative messages everywhere you turn.

This may make it hard for you to believe that you can overcome challenges or create change in your life.

That’s where positive psychology comes in.

Positive psychology focuses on how you can use your strengths to thrive; even under the most challenging circumstances.

Lisa Cypers Kamen is an applied positive psychology and lifestyle management consultant specializing in sustainable happiness, integrated well-being, mindfulness, and life­ crisis triage.

Lisa discusses her work, explains what positive psychology is, and provides tips and tools for incorporating it into your life.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1621rr5a.mp3
  • Doctors: Lisa Cypers Kamen, MD
  • Featured Speaker: Lisa Cypers Kamen, MD
  • Guest Bio: Lisa Cypers KamenLisa Cypers Kamen is an internationally recognized happiness expert. Ms. Kamen is acclaimed for her engaging blend of positive and spiritual psychology coaching, workshops, and philanthropic projects. Through her books, radio show, media appearances, and inspiring documentary films, such as H Factor: Where Is Your Heart?, Ms. Kamen serves to educate, facilitate happiness and cultivate greater well-being in private and public audiences around the world.

    Ms. Kamen recently launched Harvesting Happiness for Heroes, a pending 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation dedicated to bringing integrated psychology coaching tools and mindfulness training to Veterans and their loved ones challenged by combat trauma and other post-deployment reintegration issues.

    Ms. Kamen is regularly featured for her work, including on Huffington Post, ABC and CBS television, Yahoo News, and Money Watch.

    She completed her Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica and resides in Southern California with her two children.