Hot off Natural Products Expo West, 2017, Ashley Koff, RD, returns to Naturally Savvy to share what she saw as the top trends.
1) Gummy supplements. More companies are doing these, and doing them right.
2) SIBO (slow intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and FODMAP diets and products.
3) Adaptogens. Class of herbs (leaf, berry, root) that have survived and thrived under extreme stress (i.e. Siberian ginseng, turmeric, Maca, reishi). They help your body adapt better to certain types of stress. A natural alternative to OTC solutions, or even stimulants like caffeine. Adaptogens can be found in powders, supplements, teas, bars, etc.
Ashley also discusses her "9 Commandments of Better Nutrition," which include the following:
- better nutrition better be delicious
- better nutrition is better (not perfect) choices more often
- better nutrition better be doable in your life today
- better nutrition better be based on where you're at
- better nutrition better fit in your budget
- better nutrition means better quality
- better nutrition means better quantity
- better nutrition means better nutrient balance
- better nutrition means better frequency