Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss

Of all the vices in the world, we cannot get rid of food. So, then, the challenge becomes choosing the right foods to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy body.
Of all the vices in the world, we cannot get rid of food. We have to eat to stay alive.

So, then, the challenge becomes choosing the right foods to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy body.

Erin Macdonald, RDN, co-creator of the Whole Life-Guide to Lasting Weight Loss, believes weight loss is much more than how much you eat and how much you move. It takes the right combination of four key pillars to help you achieve your goals.

  1. Nutrition
  2. Fitness
  3. Sleep
  4. Stress
When you can address all of these pillars, not only will you experience weight loss and more energy, but chronic inflammation decreases and you feel better overall.

Again, this program goes far beyond the concept of weight loss. Any size person will benefit. If you're skinny, but you eat processed foods, you're no healthier than someone who is overweight. The goal at the end of the day should be to feel healthy and have a positive quality of life.

Listen in as Erin joins Lisa to explain the program... how it works, the results she's seen individuals achieve, and why it's important to look at health in a "whole life" perspective.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: talk_healthy/tt91.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Erin Macdonald, RDN
  • Book Title: No Excuses! 50 Healthy Ways to ROCK Breakfast!
  • Guest Twitter Account: @urockgirl
  • Guest Bio: Erin-MacdonaldErin Macdonald, RDN, has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for 23 years. She is the co-founder of U Rock Girl!, a health and wellness website for women, providing information, recipes, products, and services to nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

    Erin is the co-author of No Excuses! 50 Healthy Ways to ROCK Breakfast! This is the first published cookbook for U Rock Girl, featuring nutritious and delicious breakfast recipes that will prevent the excuse, "I can't eat breakfast because..."

    She has been in private practice (Complete Wellness, NOW!) for 15 years, specializing in Adult and Pediatric Weight Management, Sports, Cardiovascular, Wellness, Gut Health, Food Sensitivities, and recipe development.

    Erin sits on the Health Advisory Board of Clean Eating Magazine and co-writes a regular column, called “Ask the Dietitians.” In addition she writes for Oxygen Magazine and ACE Fitness. She has also been quoted in numerous magazines and online articles.

    Erin has appeared on radio, television, and DVDs discussing various hot topics regarding nutrition, weight, and wellness. She has presented many lectures focusing on weight management, heart-healthy cooking, sports nutrition, blood sugar health, and pediatric nutrition, and writes a blog on health, nutrition, fitness, wellness, and motivation on

    Passionate about cooking and recipe development, Erin teaches monthly cooking classes featuring original clean eating recipes. Cooking class information available at

    Currently, Erin is a founding member of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group, as well as a member of the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN), Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM), and Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE). She has extensive experience in wellness coaching, fitness training, and cooking.

    Erin completed her post-baccalaureate in nutrition sciences from California State University, Los Angeles, and received a BA in psychology from UCLA.

    Away from work, this native Los Angelino enjoys spending time with her husband and four sons, running, hiking, boxing, teaching cooking classes, and having fun.
  • Length (mins): 24:55
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Lisa Davis