Natural Approach to Treating Behavioral Issues

Your child's behavioral issues may have natural causes.
According to the CDC, approximately 6.4 million children between the ages of four and 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This neurological disorder can persist into adulthood.

Diet, genetics and environmental factors can influence a child’s health. While medication can provide some symptom benefit, it doesn’t treat the root of the disorder.

Ruling out all possibilities and conducting as many diagnostics as possible can help remedy the source of your child’s issues.

Five Areas to Explore

  1. Nutrition. What is your child eating? How are his nutrient levels? Food allergies and sensitivities can be problematic. Keep a food diary for tracking.
  2. Sleep. Kids don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is needed for brain growth and function. Does your child have a sleep disorder?
  3. Movement. Sitting in school desks and focusing on a device-based lifestyle reduces physical activity. Movement is key for brain development and emotional health.
  4. Connection. Work on communicating more effectively with your children. Improve your child’s ability to establish quality relationships. Be supportive, but manage behavioral challenges that arise.
  5. Cognition. Today’s children have difficulty solving problems of all sizes. They can fall apart easily when confronted with little and big things.
Listen as Dr. Nicole Beurkens joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to share some tips that may help treat the root of your child’s behavioral problems.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl310.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Nicole Beurkens, PhD, CNS
  • Book Title: Life Will Get Better: Simple Solutions for Parents of Children with Attention, Anxiety, Mood and Behavior Challenges
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @drbeurkens
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Nicole BeurkensDr. Nicole Beurkens, licensed clinical psychologist and board certified nutrition specialist, has 20 years of experience helping children, teens, and families impacted by a range of developmental and mental health disorders including autism, ADHD, anxiety, behavior disorders, and brain injury.

    She is the founder and director of the Horizons Developmental Resource Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  

    As a bestselling author, Dr. Beurkens has written numerous books and educational resources for parents and professionals. She is a consultant and speaker, published researcher, and award-winning therapist.

    Parents and professionals can access helpful articles and resources available on her website.
  • Length (mins): 26:52
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC