Selected Podcast

EP 875 News of the Week

In this episode, Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know, including the following topics:

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  • You can reverse the effects of being a couch potato. 
  • Sixty percent of people who try a cigarette in high school become smokers.
  • Hormone therapy may ease depression linked to menopause. 
  • Severe obesity is declining in children in high-risk populations.
Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote. - sponsor
  • Deaths and hospitalizations due to the flu are rising.
  • The U.S. is the most dangerous of wealthy nations for a child to be born into.
  • Exercise may reduce disability, even in frail elderly. 
  • PLUS so much more...


Supercharge your brain and reverse memory loss, pick up a copy of Memory Rescue today.


Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to to get a free quote.