Food allergies are on the rise, with more and more children suffering from bad reactions to things they eat. These can be as harmless as a rash or as serious as an inability to breathe—and sometimes even death.
Peanuts are a particularly common culprit; nut allergies more than tripled between 1997 and 2008 in U.S. children. Will there ever be a cure?
Dr. Scott Sicherer shares exciting research developments that may make life safer for people with peanut and other food allergies.
He explains why people should be hopeful—studies on several cutting-edge treatments are in the pipeline, and new therapies may soon be FDA-approved.
One Sneaky Symptom of Depression
Selected Podcast
EP 916B Will There Ever Be a Cure for Food Allergies?

Scott Sicherer, MD
Dr. Scott Sicherer is a practicing allergist, clinical researcher and professor of pediatrics. He is Director of the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute, Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Professor of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology at the Icahn School of Medicine, and Division Chief of Pediatric Allergy at Mount Sinai Hospital. He's also the author Food Allergies: A Complete Guide to Eating When Your Life Depends on It (Johns Hopkins Press). Tagged under