Selected Podcast

EP 921B Keeping a Sense of Humor Through Cancer Treatment

Dr. Tali Lando-Aronoff knows that sometimes when it rains, it pours.

Soon after having a difficult pregnancy that resulted in a premature birth, then finding out her father had a malignant brain tumor, Dr. Lando-Aronoff discovered a lump in her breast.

She details her difficulties with and triumphs over advanced breast cancer in her book, Hell & Back: Wife & Mother, Doctor & Patient, Dragon Slayer.

Tune in for her witty anecdotes about keeping your cool in the midst of difficult situations. Plus, hear why Lando-Aronoff feels that her career as a pediatrician both helped—and hindered—her during her treatment.

Why Winter Is the Worst Season for Your Heart
EP 921B Keeping a Sense of Humor Through Cancer Treatment
Tali Lando Aronoff, MD
Tali Lando Aronoff, MD, is a full-time pediatric otolaryngology (ENT) surgeon with a busy practice split between her offices and the operating room. She is also a mother of three young girls and an enthusiastic scuba diver and breast cancer survivor. She grew up in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and lived in New York City for a decade before settling in Westchester, New York, with her husband and children.