Friday, 01 March 2019 19:00

Tired of Insomnia? 4 Strategies for Getting Some Sleep

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Insomnia is a common problem for a variety of reasons.

Unhealthy habits such as eating and drinking the wrong substances too close to bedtime, using too much light in the bedroom, using the bedroom for activities other than sleep or sex, and napping too close to bedtime are all common factors that lead to insomnia.

Follow these four tips to help combat this highly inconvenient problem.

1) Keep a Routine
Go to sleep at the same time each night and, likewise, wake up each day at the same time. WebMD advises that while sleeping in late on days off (such as weekends) is a strong temptation, this behavior can encourage insomnia. You should train your body on a daily basis to wake at the same time; this will help it to fall asleep at the same time as well.

Also, avoid naps, particularly in the afternoon hours. While a power nap might aid you in getting through the day, it can lead to difficulty falling asleep at night. Psychology Today also recommends avoiding playing catch-up by getting extra sleep the night following an evening of rough sleep.

2) Have the Right Bedtime Snack
Avoid alcohol and such stimulants as caffeine and nicotine near bedtime. Instead, consider a handful of nuts. Fox News asserts that nuts have roughly the same quantity of tryptophan, which is a sleep-inducing amino acid, as in turkey. They are also a healthy way to get a burst of fiber and protein into your diet without stimulating you away from sleep.

3) Cut Down the Blue Light
The National Sleep Foundation warns that the blue light that radiates from the screens of devices can lead to troubles sleeping. Some such devices, such as smart phones, have an option to turn down the blue light. If you must use a device at bedtime, consider using this option. There are also glasses to help reduce the blue light that enters the eyes. The best option, of course, is to avoid screens at night as much as possible.

4) Create a Dark and Restful Environment
A restful environment is vital to good sleep hygiene. Soft, clean sheets and a bed that is made daily are both helpful to promoting sleep. Additionally, the darker your bedroom, the better. Remove as much light as possible from your sleeping space, even if that means storing your smartphone in a different room. You should also consider installing light-blocking window features, such as Luxaflex blinds, to keep the glow of street lights from pervading your room. All of these options will aid in setting the proper scene for a solid night’s slumber.

These four tips will encourage restful sleep and the defeat of insomnia. Remember to keep to them consistently and you should find a restful night’s sleep is a matter of proper habit building. Good sleep is necessary for mental, physical, and emotional health, so make it a top priority to restore restful sleep in your life.