Selected Podcast

EP 939B - The Benefits of Active Sitting

After moving and starting a new job, Scott Bahneman was puzzled about why he was gaining weight. What had changed?

He realized that his new job required him to sit at a desk for 10 hours a day and it was negatively affecting his waistline.

This inspired Bahneman to create the SitTight chair, a tool to help people practice "active sitting." The SitTight chair is intentionally unstable, forcing the sitter to work his or her body in order to balance.

Tune in to learn how improving your balance also benefits your brain and can be used in treating ADHD, dementia, concussive head injuries and more.

The Fitness Strategy That Could Lead to a Slimmer You
EP 939B - The Benefits of Active Sitting
Scott Bahneman
Scott Bahneman is an ergonomics expert on a mission to teach others in the corporate world how to combat the "sitting disease." He is the Founder & Chairman of SitTight™ a company that has transformed sitting into an activity that improves your health by using your body's natural ability to balance. Bahneman been featured on Innovation Nation with Mo Rocca, Fast Company Magazine, and last year, SitTight won the bronze at the 2018 Edison Awards.