Selected Podcast

EP 958 News of the Week

In this episode, Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.

  • Study on prevention of dementia: doing just five things decreases your risk, no matter your genetics.
  • Dangerous bacteria can survive disinfectant.
  • How much caffeine may trigger a migraine?
  • Getting the right med after a heart attack depends on where you live in the country.
  • Climate change proves dangerous for kidney patients.
  • How exercise lowers risk of Alzheimer's by changing your brain.
  • 79% of primary care physicians are burned out.
  • Epilepsy patients may live longer with specialist care.
  • Social stress tied to lower bone density after menopause.
  • 2% of women are addicted to opioids after childbirth.
  • PLUS so much more...