Selected Podcast

EP 1126B - What’s Legal About Your Health: Cancer Rights for Employees

Triage Cancer is a national, nonprofit organization that provides free education on the legal and practical issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.

Life never feels more valuable and finite than after diagnosis. Triage Cancer believes that those diagnosed with cancer should spend their time and energy how they choose, free from the stress and worry about what information they need and where to find it. Everyone should have access to the resources they need to manage their life beyond diagnosis regardless of their type of cancer, where they live, or their financial situation.

Monica Fawzy Bryant, Esq., is the COO & Founder of Triage Cancer. She is a cancer rights attorney, speaker, and author, dedicated to improving access to quality information on healthcare-related issues. 

Monica is also the co-author of the first and only book on Cancer Rights Law, published by the American Bar Association (ABA) in 2018. In 2019, she received a 40 Under 40 in Cancer Award, and in 2015, was awarded the Legacy Advocate Award by a leading young adult cancer organization. She is an Adjunct Law Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Law, teaching a class on Cancer Rights. Throughout her career, she has provided hundreds of educational seminars for individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer, their caregivers, lawyers, advocates, health care professionals, elected officials, and the general public.
EP 1126B - What’s Legal About Your Health: Cancer Rights for Employees
Monica Fawzy Bryant, Esq
Monica Fawzy Bryant, Esq., is a cancer rights attorney, speaker, and author, dedicated to improving access to quality information on healthcare-related issues. She is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer for Triage Cancer, a national non-profit organization that provides education on the practical and legal issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.

Ms. Bryant is co-author of the first and only book on Cancer Rights Law, published by the American Bar Association (ABA) in 2018. In 2019, she received a 40 Under 40 in Cancer Award, and in 2015, was awarded the Legacy Advocate Award by a leading young adult cancer organization. She is an Adjunct Law Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Law, teaching a class on Cancer Rights. Throughout her career, she has provided hundreds of educational seminars for individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer, their caregivers, lawyers, advocates, health care professionals, elected officials, and the general public.