The Acid Reflux Solution

Do you avoid foods you love because they trigger heartburn? Millions of Americans suffer from severe acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Many take medication to find relief, but primary care physician and gastroenterologist Jorge E. Rodriguez has a pill-free plan to heal heartburn naturally.

Tune in to Rodriguez as he shares the simple three-step plan from his book, The Acid Reflux Solution. Co-authored with registered dietitian and food writer Susan Wyler, the book combines the latest medical research with reflux-friendly recipes to help you create your heartburn-free life. Since developing the plan, Rodriguez has cured his own heartburn and lost more than 30 pounds. This book can help you enjoy foods you love, lose weight, and take control of your health.

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Get Happy with These Good-Mood Foods
 The Acid Reflux Solution
Dr. Jorge E. Rodriguez, MD
Jorge E. Rodriguez, MD, is a board-certified internist and gastroenterologist who received his medical degree from the University of Miami. He completed his residency in internal medicine at Tulane Medical School (New Orleans), and his fellowship in gastroenterology at Baylor University Medical Center (Dallas). In private practice since 1988, Dr. Jorge has established himself as a leader in HIV treatment and intestinal diseases. He has appeared on CNN News, Good Morning America Health, The Doctors, and The View. An MDVIP-affiliated physician with an Internal Medicine Practice in Newport Beach, California, Visit