Are You Reacting to the Foods You Eat?

If you are feeling overly tired, get frequent stomach aches or are frequently sick, it's time to think about the foods you are eating.

Ever wonder why your stomach hurts after eating? Not just when you overeat, but each time after you eat anything?

Do you also experience fatigue?

What most of us don't understand is that aside from the healing powers that foods contain, they can also be making you sick.

Tom Malterre, author of The Elimination Diet, shares why are more and more people are reacting to the foods they eat and how much chemicals are playing a part in this phenomenon.  

Malterre also explains the signs to look out for that your body is not reacting well to the foods you are eating.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1513wl5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Tom Malterre
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @TomMalterre
  • Guest Bio: Tom Headshot high quality Tom Malterre is an advanced Functional Medicine trained nutritionist with over 10 years in clinical practice. He has two nutritional science degrees from Bastyr University and, along with his wife Ali, has authored three books including their most recent book, The Elimination Diet. In his free time, Tom loves to wild harvest roots, shoots, and fruits in the mountains with his five children.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC