Relationship Between Poor Diet & Substance Abuse: Part 2

Certain foods contained in the Standard American Diet (SAD) can actually stimulate natural opiate receptors in the brain and may lead to addictive behaviors.
Certain foods contained in the Standard American Diet (SAD), such as sugar, caffeine, dairy, and gluten, can actually stimulate natural opiate receptors in the brain and may lead to addictive behaviors, including drug and alcohol abuse.

What are the foods you can eat to stave off this risk in your own body?

Dr. Keith Kantor is founder of the NAMED Program, which creates healthy menus for those suffering from substance abuse and educates them so they don’t relapse.

Dr. Kantor joins Dr. Susanne to discuss this recovery program, as well as which foods you should be eating and which foods you should be avoiding.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1532wl5b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Keith Kantor, PhD
  • Book Title: What Matters: Leadership Values that Just Might Save America
  • Guest Bio: Keith-KantorDr. Keith Kantor has been an advocate of natural food and healthy living for 30 years. In 1994 he was appointed CEO of Service Foods, Inc., the largest all natural food company of its kind in the United States. He is currently the CEO and Founder of the NAMED Program, which frees people from addiction through nutrition.

    Dr. Kantor has a PhD in Nutritional Science, a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and a Doctorate in Business Entrepreneurship. He also holds undergraduate degrees in Biology and Chemistry.

    Dr. Kantor has been married for 39 years to Karen DeFiore Kantor. Karen is a registered nurse and is Director of Nursing for Service Foods, Green Box Foods, Blue Ribbon Foods and Southern Foods At Home. They have two children. 

    Dr. Kantor has been an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps since 1976, and still serves in the reserves.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC