Optimal Health Through Real Food & Nutritional Therapy

The health and nutritional work of Dr. Weston A. Price is still being carried on today through the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Dr. Weston A. Price (1870-1948), a Cleveland dentist, has been called the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition.”

In his search for the causes of dental decay and physical degeneration that he observed in his dental practice, he turned from test tubes and microscopes to unstudied evidence among human beings.

Dr. Price sought the factors responsible for fine teeth among the people who had them: isolated non-industrialized people.

The world became his laboratory.

As he traveled, his findings led him to the belief that crowded, crooked teeth and unattractive appearance were merely a sign of physical degeneration, resulting from what he had suspected: nutritional deficiencies.

Price traveled the world over in order to study isolated human groups, including sequestered villages in Switzerland, Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, Eskimos and Indians of North America, Melanesian and Polynesian South Sea Islanders, African tribes, Australian Aborigines, New Zealand Maori and the Indians of South America.

Wherever he went, Dr. Price found that beautiful straight teeth, freedom from decay, stalwart bodies, resistance to disease and fine characters were typical of primitives on their traditional diets, rich in essential food factors.

Kim Schuette, CN, of the Weston A. Price Foundation, joins Dr. Susanne to share more about the Foundation, as well as how it and its members are carrying on the research and practice of Dr. Price.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1540wl5c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Kim Schuette, CN, Certified GAPS Practitioner
  • Guest Bio: Kim-SchuetteKim Schuette, CN, Certified GAPS Practitioner, has been in private practice in the field of nutrition since 1999, teaching the importance of real food for optimal health. In 2002, she established Biodynamic Wellness, where she and her staff specialize in developing customized nutrition plans based on patients’ needs. They offer a variety of seminars on topics such as weight loss, whole food diets, children’s health, and women’s health.

    Schuette is a leader in her field, and was named “Best Alternative Health Practitioner of 2013” by Ranch & Coast Magazine in their annual “Best of San Diego” edition in March 2013. Additionally, she serves on the Board of Directors for the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF).
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC