?Motivation for Change: Take Steps to Change Habits & Patterns

While people often say they want to eat right, exercise, or stop smoking, they often don’t understand how to take the next step to achieve these goals.
?Dr. Cary Presant has helped thousands of clients find the motivation they need to change their habits. 

While people often say they want to eat right, exercise, or stop smoking, people often don’t understand how to (or simply can’t) take the next step to achieve these goals. 

The missing ingredient is usually motivation. 

How can you connect with and develop motivation?

Dr. Cary and Erica talk about how to identify and develop the motivation you need to actualize change in your life.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1542rr5d.mp3
  • Doctors: ​Cary Presant, MD, FACP
  • Featured Speaker: ​Cary Presant, MD, FACP
  • Guest Bio: attachment-2Cary Presant, MD, is an internist, a hematologist, and an oncologist in Los Angeles; a national expert in health care; and the author of over four hundred scientific medical articles. 

    Presant has taught and conducted research at the University of Southern California, Washington University School of Medicine, Columbia University, National Cancer Institute, and City of Hope National Medical Center. Dr. Cary Presant is also the author of Surviving American Medicine: How To Get the Right Doctor, Right Hospital and Right Treatment With Today's Health Care.