?Dr. Cary’s ?Tips for Cancer & Disease Prevention

Dr. Cary provides listeners with tips and recommendations on ways you can prevent cancer and other diseases and live a longer, healthier life.
?Dr. Cary Presant has been an oncologist since 1979, and his approach has always been about providing patients with personalized therapy that will improve their quality of life. 

Dr. Cary shares tips and recommendations on ways you can prevent cancer and other diseases and live a longer, healthier life. 

He also discusses how drug and alcohol addiction negatively impact people’s health, specifically as those addictions relate to the risks of being diagnosed with cancer.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1542rr5e.mp3
  • Doctors: ​Cary Presant, MD, FACP
  • Featured Speaker: ​Cary Presant, MD, FACP
  • Guest Bio: attachment-2Cary Presant, MD, is an internist, a hematologist, and an oncologist in Los Angeles; a national expert in health care; and the author of over four hundred scientific medical articles. 

    Presant has taught and conducted research at the University of Southern California, Washington University School of Medicine, Columbia University, National Cancer Institute, and City of Hope National Medical Center. Dr. Cary Presant is also the author of Surviving American Medicine: How To Get the Right Doctor, Right Hospital and Right Treatment With Today's Health Care.