?What Is Integrative Treatment?

David Wiss shares why nutrition-inclusive plans are the future of addiction treatment.
?Eating disorders and addiction are often treated separately, but there are many underlying behaviors and issues that overlap and would benefit from a more integrated approach. 

In addition, addiction treatment may often foster unhealthy behaviors and attitudes towards food and nutrition. 

Many treatment centers are recognizing these links and integrating nutrition into addiction treatment programs. 

David Wiss is a leading voice in integrative treatment and shares why nutrition-inclusive plans are the future of addiction treatment.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1602rr5c.mp3
  • Doctors: David Wiss, RDN
  • Featured Speaker: David Wiss, RDN
  • Guest Bio: WISS-14-199x300David Wiss is the Founder of Nutrition in Recovery, specializing in the treatment of addictions and eating disorders. Mr. Wiss has shared his expertise with a myriad of treatment facilities throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Nutrition in Recovery services includes consultation, screening/assessment, meal planning, process groups, group education, individual counseling, outings/events including supermarket tours, and multidisciplinary treatment planning. David is a co-founder of Dietitians for Professional Integrity and a major advocate for the role of nutrition in recovery from addiction and eating disorders.