Encore Episode: Conquering Fear and Building Resilience

It’s in the moments where life takes a turn we don’t expect that we build up valuable coping skills.
It’s great to be prepared, but everyone knows that very few things actually go according to plan.

It’s in the moments where life takes a turn we don’t expect that we build up valuable coping skills, but it’s not always easy.

Thomas J. Sims understands this well. As a young doctor in the military, he was unexpectedly deployed to serve as the only physician in a remote part of Alaska.

Dr. Sims shares how he learned to overcome obstacles and explores how we can all cultivate a spirit of resilience and perseverance.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/rr271.mp3
  • Doctors: Thomas J. Sims, MD
  • Featured Speaker: Thomas J. Sims, MD
  • Guest Bio: Thomas J. Sims, MD, is a writer and actor who studied Zoology and Creative Writing at UCLA before attending medical school at Creighton University. After leaving Alaska, he began a private medical practice and began to write and act. He now runs a medical consultation practice and the website DocTalkToday.com. He lives in Bend, Oregon.
  • Hosts: Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins: 24:02