Monday, 10 June 2019 16:08

Effective Ways to Deal with Stress-Induced Psychosomatic Illness

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Stress-related illnesses are actually extremely common and are one of the most difficult things to combat. Part of this is identifying an illness as related to stress. When you get sick, the immediate response is rarely thinking that you are simply stressed, it’s to assume that it’s an illness.

The other problem is the cyclical nature to psychosomatic illness, where stress induces an illness and then being in the state of having the illness causes more stress, which in turn continues to propagate the illness etc.

Given the frustrating and difficult nature to it all, let’s take a look at some ways to help you cope with it and, ultimately, try to eliminate it.

1. Identification
Initially, you will find that you have symptoms, and the range can be vast. Stress can cause anything from bodily pains to muscle spasms. You want to go to the doctor when the symptoms persist. Most doctors will know when they have examined you if it is caused by a concrete issue or if it is something psychosomatic, which is a great way to start dealing with the issue. That concrete knowledge will lend you some confidence.

2. Psychological Analysis
If these issues plague you no matter what, then figuring out what might be going on more specifically can be important. “The cause of stress isn’t always ‘stressful circumstance’, it can also be a whole range of psychological disorders. Getting certainty over what you can do to improve your mental health from a professional can be a crucial step for some,” writes Janet Farr, health writer at AustralianHelp and PaperFellows.

3. Look After Your Body
The mind and body are linked in vital ways. It may seem counterintuitive but many of the solutions to mental issues come through maintaining a healthy physical routine. This can mean a lot of things, some of which, if you’re experiencing pain or stomach upset, can be hard but are important. For example, remaining physically active by going for walks, getting fresh air, eating healthily, particularly foods with long lasting energy supplies and all the fruits and vegetables you need are all things that will help you mentally.

4. Sleep The Right Amount
Sleeping a real 8 hours a night is vital. “Stress can give you insomnia, particularly initial insomnia meaning that you struggle to fall asleep to begin with. You need to search for methods (anything from meditation to lavender vaporizers) to get your full night’s sleep”, says Howard Lancey, health blogger at Academized and BigAssignments. However, don’t sleep too much, as sleeping more than ten hours a day can be a trigger for depression.

5. Talk To Someone
Sharing your stress and the way that it is making you feel can be a really cathartic thing to do and something which will make you feel as if your stress is manageable. Just make sure it’s someone who will be sympathetic.

6. Stay Relaxed
Easier said than done, I know. This is a big project for people with real all-consuming stress. It’s not as simple as just deciding to be relaxed. But there are ways to help yourself. Find the moments when you feel most at ease and identify the elements to those times that you can carry into other moments in your life. For example, are you with a family member? Or maybe you’re completely alone? Perhaps doing work actually calms you down? Whatever it is, try to do things which are personally therapeutic and get in the practice of batting away stress as it arises.

7. Consider A Change Of Lifestyle
This is a drastic one and you probably ought only to think about it if you have exhausted other solutions. If your stress is directly linked to the way you live your life, major issues like where you work, whether you live in the city, then a big change to these could really help you. Mental health is a priority.

Overall, psychosomatic illness which is triggered by stress is hard: hard to identify and hard to deal with. But, if you work at it, you will find a solution. There shouldn’t ever be a situation where you feel destined to experience the symptoms forever, you can always beat it.