
Marijuana & Your Kids: Will They Try it?

Featuring: Dr. Sharon Levy, MD
Have you talked to your children about Marijuana? Whether in the context of your truthful past use or as part of a medical marijuana debate?

Is It a Cold or Allergies?

Featuring: Dr. David Hill, MD
Is it a cold or allergies? Knowing the difference can mean much less suffering for your child.

You Can Do It! Single Parenting Can Be Rewarding

Featuring: Dr. David Hill, MD
Although single parenthood may be a dramatic change from the life you once had or imagined, it can be a workable, rewarding family situation.

New Year's Resolutions for Kids of All Ages!

Featuring: Dr. David Hill, MD
Can you help your children keep their New Year's resolutions: to be more active, healthier, more organized and better behaved? We're sure of it!

Children, Adolescents, and Advertising

Featuring: Dr. Vic Strasburger, MD
The ads aimed at your kids, online and everywhere else, can be pervasive and obnoxious. Can this impact your child in negative ways?

Is Your Child Affected By Media Violence?

Featuring: Dr. Vic Strasburger, MD
Does violence on TV and in movies affect your child in negative ways? Does it make them behave more aggressively? Our experts say yes. 

Lice Are Back! Keep Your Child Free of the Little Buggers

Featuring: Dr. Robert Murray, MD
Head lice are often a fact of life for school?aged children. While inconvenient, and somewhat disgusting, head lice cause no medical harm.

Recess a Necessary Break From the Demands of School

Featuring: Dr. Robert Murray, MD
Eliminating recess can negatively affect academic achievement. Growing evidence links recess to improved physical health, social skills and cognitive development.

Childhood Depression: What Parents Can Do To Help

Featuring: Dr. Thomas K. McInerny, MD
Sometimes sadness turns into despair for children, and persists for weeks and even months.

Recognizing Signs Of Childhood & Teen Depression

Featuring: Dr. Thomas K. McInerny, MD
What to do about childhood depression, and how to recognize the signs of intense sadness in children.
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