Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:22

How to Start a Brain Fitness Program

Can you really exercise your brain? Yes! Learn how to effectively enhance your brain function.
Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:11

Enhancing Brain Function: What Really Works?

From brain games to fish oils, learn what really works for enhancing brain function.
Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:00

Intermittent Fasting Extends Lifespan

Intermittent fasting has been practiced for centuries but is now making a pretty big comeback. Why? Because, research shows it can add years to your life.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013 11:45

Natural Relief from Perimenopause

Get natural relief from hot flashes, fatigue and other symptoms of perimenopause.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 12 August 2013 12:11

Too Young for Botox?

Somewhere in your 20's you may begin to see the signs of aging, but when is it okay to start using Botox?
Published in Staying Well
While some people inherit high blood pressure, it can be prevented and treated through healthy lifestyle habits.
Thursday, 13 June 2013 14:45

Are Your Arteries Turning into Bone?

In diseased arteries, bone-making cells can be found in the lining of arterial walls. And, as you can probably imagine, this is not a healthy process.
Many women suffer with incontinence in silence because they are too humiliated to mention their problem.
Published in Staying Well
Not all hot flashes and night sweats are due to menopause... so how can you stop them?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 03 June 2013 12:11

Pinpointing Cosmetic Acupuncture

Can this holistic therapy replace other cosmetic procedures?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 01 April 2013 12:00

Aging: Beat the Downshift in Metabolism

Tips to speed up and keep your metabolism humming!
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 04 March 2013 12:22

Embracing Your Midlife Transition

Can menopause be the best phase of your life?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 04 February 2013 12:22

The Supplements You Need As You Age

Can you outsmart Mother Nature and prevent aging and disease with supplements?
Published in Staying Well
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