Friday, 28 May 2021 00:00

Midwifery at MarinHealth

Published in MarinHealth
Wednesday, 15 January 2020 00:00

How to Choose a Birth Plan

Published in UPMC Pinnacle

Something people need to understand is maternity leave is not a vacation. Motherhood is a MASSIVE, UNDERESTIMATED job within itself and a lot of companies do not offer paid leave, or leave in general.

I had six weeks paid maternity leave, but I took an additional four weeks off unpaid as I didn’t feel ready to come back to work yet. I did miss work, as it felt good to be needed or important to something outside of being a mom. When I did go back to work though, I felt like my life was chaos.
Published in RadioMD Blog

My husband and I have this beautiful baby boy, who despite all the challenges, we could not imagine our lives without. But, our relationship, the two of us, was challenged in a new and complex way. 

Having a baby with Chris made me love him on another level, but honestly the first year of Benny’s life was probably the worst year for our marriage. This isn’t uncommon.
Published in RadioMD Blog

My life after giving birth was shifting, and it was altering in ways I never would have expected.

Not only did I move and said goodbye to my carefree fun city life, I was also saying goodbye to my friends. I was the only one married, and now the only one with a baby in my group. I figured I wouldn’t see them as much but I didn’t expect to feel so different from them. 

They can’t relate to what I was (am) going through, and even though they listen at times to news about the baby, it’s like we’re speaking two different languages.

I was told my life was going to change, but I didn’t know exactly how it would change.
Published in RadioMD Blog

The months following the birth of my son Benny was the toughest period in my life. It’s a time that no one really talks about -- that fourth trimester. 

Yes, I heard a few stories about a few common challenges, the lack of sleep being the biggest one, but it was always laughed off like it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Let me be the one to tell you, it is.
Published in RadioMD Blog

It’s 3 a.m. and I can feel my eyes burn from exhaustion. 

I’ve already been up four times — feeding, burping, changing diapers. 

My son, Benjamin Allen, born five weeks early, is finally at home. We’re slowly adjusting to our new roles. 

His, new to the world. 

Me, a new mom.
Published in RadioMD Blog
There is a new option for creating a family: embryo adoption.
Published in HER
Monday, 30 October 2017 00:00

Baby Loss: Dealing with the Aftermath

What happens when a woman has a miscarriage?
Published in HER
Monday, 19 December 2016 00:00

Maternal Death Prevalence & Risk

Maternal mortality rates are rising. Learn what you can do to reduce your risk.
Published in HER
Postpartum depression affects about 15 percent of new mothers.
Published in Health Radio
How early are the signs of autism evident?
Published in Health Radio
40 weeks may seem like a long time to be pregnant, but do you know the health risks associated with an early elective delivery?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 23 September 2013 12:45

Why Women Are Freezing their Eggs

With fewer women having children in their 20s, there's a growing trend for women of all ages to freeze their eggs. Should you?
Published in Staying Well