Monday, 11 March 2013 15:18

Seas of Deception: Buying Healthy Fish

There are three new headlines (and the rest of the stories we tweeted about in the most recent YOU The Owner’s Manual Radio Show), that juxtaposed perfectly with our most recent great guest, who is the author of The Alzheimer’s Prevention Cookbook.  

The headlines I'm talking about are:

1. Alzheimer's fastest-growing health threat in USA, report says
2. Mediterranean Diet can prevent over 30% of  strokes (brain loss) in already optimally managed patients
3. Survey Finds That Fish Are Often Mislabeled

The synergy here is interesting.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 19 February 2013 10:35

Treating Depression with Omega 3's

Can mood disorders, which are soaring across the nation, be traced to a lack of a single nutrient?
Published in Staying Well
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