How are children with special healthcare needs uniquely impacted -- especially those who often receive important care during the school day?
Published in Healthy Children

Trying to get any child to lay off the candy and brush their teeth can be a challenge.

Yet, for parents of children with special healthcare needs, it can be even more problematic as there are variables that put them at a higher risk for dental problems.
Published in RadioMD Blog

In theory, the holidays are a time to relax and celebrate. 

In reality, the holidays can be a busy time of planning, budgeting and managing complicated family dynamics — factor in the unique challenges that come with being the parent of a special needs child and you might have a recipe for even more seasonal stress. 

I’ve been there and this doesn’t need to happen. A little prep work ahead of time with your special needs child can help reduce frustration, tantrums and emotional overdrive, as well as manage expectations of well-meaning family members.
Published in RadioMD Blog

Parenting is challenging, but parenting a child with special needs brings the experience to a whole new level that no one can really understand until they live it. 

From one day to the next, parents with special needs children can never really predict what the next day will bring. Will it require another trip to the doctor for another unforeseen and confusing medical issue? Will a certain behavior become so unmanageable that it impedes the ability for the child to get to school that day? Will you be on the phone with the school again for another challenging issue to sort through? 

Even with all the challenges our special needs children present, we love and care about them deeply, but how do we as parents keep a positive outlook and not succumb to burning out?
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 06 April 2016 11:46

Living with Someone with Down Syndrome

What is it like to live with someone who has Down syndrome?
Published in Health Radio
Do you have a child with special health care needs? Are you getting the best care you can?
Published in Healthy Children
Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:00

The Special Gift of Service Animals

Can you rehabilitate and train shelter dogs to become service animals for special needs children?