11 Lies About Nutrition

What's trending in the nutrition world today, might be demonized tomorrow.
It seems like every morning you turn on the TV, read an article, or go to a bookstore, there's a new fad diet to try.

One day, carbs are bad for you; the next day fat is the issue, and so on.

Unfortunately, not everything you read is true.

Here are 11 lies about mainstream nutrition:

  1. Eggs are unhealthy
  2. Saturated fat is bad for you
  3. Everyone should be eating grains
  4. Eating lots of protein is bad for you
  5. Low-fat foods are good for you
  6. You should eat many small meals throughout the day
  7. Carbs should be your biggest source of calories
  8. High omega-6 seed and vegetable oils are good for you
  9. Low-carb diets are dangerous
  10. Sugar is unhealthy because it contains empty calories
  11. High fat foods will make you fat
Kris Gunnars, Nutrition Researcher, shares the 11 lies you might be hearing about nutrition.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: health_radio/1529ml4c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Kris Gunnars, Nutrition Researcher
  • Guest Bio: Kris GunnarsKris Gunnars is a nutrition researcher with a Bachelor's degree in medicine. He has spent years reading books, blogs and scientific studies on nutrition. Evidence-based nutrition is his passion and he plans to devote his career to informing people about it.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS