September Special: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: Mark Saunders

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: prevention, detection, and treatment with prostate cancer survivor Mark Saunders.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • The symptoms of prostate cancer.
  • Tips to prevent the disease.
  • When you should go to the doctor.
  • New tests for detection and biopsy tools.
  • New emerging treatments.
  • How to live healthier, better and longer.
  • More from each of his books Do You Have Prostate Cancer? and Prostate Cancer.

Connect with Mark

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Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: which_way_is_life/bkSeptBonus2017.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Mark B. Saunders, Author
  • Book Title: Prostate Cancer: A New Approach to Treatment and Healing and Do You Have Prostate Cancer? A Compact Guide to Diagnosis and Health
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Bio: Mark Saunders 1Mark B. Saunders is a writer, editor, publisher, public speaker, and 11-year prostate cancer survivor. As an “active surveillance” patient, instead of receiving traditional treatments like surgery or radiation, Mark dramatically overhauled his lifestyle, and the cancer became undetectable... and hasn’t returned since. 

    Recent studies have shown that men with low-risk, low-volume prostate cancer who adopt an active surveillance protocol have a similar 10-year success rate to men who had surgery.

    As a prostate cancer survivor, Mark has dedicated his life to sharing what he has learned about health and wellness; a journey he calls, “inside out, round about, and back again.”
  • Length (mins): 29:04
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Bill Klaproth