Role of Nutrition in Chronic Disease

Take actions to improve life with chronic disease.
A chronic disease is defined as one that lasts one year or longer and requires ongoing medical attention, or one that limits daily living activities. These diseases are the leading drivers in healthcare costs. Many of these chronic diseases would benefit from proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

It is possible to improve your health. You have the ability to make a dent in the disease. Determine the smallest action you can take to successfully make changes. That builds new habits.

It starts with nutrition. Try to eat what humans would’ve eaten over the course of evolution. Plant matter and high-fiber foods that are barely processed should dominate the diet. For those who like eating animal products, stick to organic or wild caught a few times a week.

De-stress and exercise. Taking walks in nature can be very healing. Get your body moving to get what you need, because modern conveniences don’t always stimulate physical activity.

Listen as Dr. Howard Jacobson joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to share how you can develop habits that improve life with a chronic disease.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl378.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Howard Jacobson, PhD
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @Go_WellStart
  • Guest Bio: Howard JacobsonHoward Jacobson, PhD, is Chief Behavioral Science Officer at WellStart Health. He is contributing author to Whole, by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Proteinaholic, by Garth Davis, MD, and the host of the Plant Yourself Podcast. 

    As co-founder of WellStart Health, Howard guides clients to adopt and maintain lifestyle and dietary habits in alignment with their health goals and life values. Howard has been coaching high performers since 2001. He sits on the advisory board of the International Coach Certification Alliance and is a certified in Peter Bregman’s QUICC Coaching methodology, BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits, and Glenn Livingston’s Never Binge Again system. He is a visiting scholar at Duke University’s Institute for Advanced Hindsight. 

    Howard lives on an ecological farm in rural North Carolina, where he writes, gardens, plays Ultimate Frisbee, runs ultra marathons, and practices Russian Martial Arts. Howard’s goals include shaking up healthcare, sharing how delicious and joyful a healthy life can be, save the planet, and reintroducing people to their most authentic, bipedal, plant-eating, anti-fragile, best selves. And maybe someday not finish last at the Leadville Marathon.
  • Length (mins): 27:04
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC