Is cancer finally on the ropes? Hope for vaccines increases
When it comes to defeating cancer, the numbers are improving, but we have a way to go:
In 1990, 33.3 people out of every 100,000 in the U.S. population died from breast cancer. By 2015, it was down to 20.3. And as much of an improvement as that is - more than 30 percent - in 2018 about...
Parental concerns about teen tattoos
In the 2011 movie "The Hangover PART II," Stu Price (Ed Helms) wakes up in Bangkok to find he has a Mike-Tyson-style facial tattoo. Will it permanently ruin his future? That's the question a lot of parents also face when their kids ask for permission to get a tattoo - even if it's nothing more than a...
You can teach old dogs new tricks
What does Chelsea Handler have in common with Ryan Gosling? They both know that resistance/strength training is key to staying in shape - and staying with your exercise routine. Chandler says she made a mental shift and now she pumps to feel stronger in mind and body, and it's very motivating.
A new study out of...