Thursday, 31 October 2013 14:45

Exposing Hidden Food Toxins

Learn about the most dangerous food toxins and how to protect against their toxic effects.
Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:11

Eating Green & Healthy for $5 a Day

Go green for $5 a day (or less) with mostly organic or sustainably raised ingredients.
Friday, 04 October 2013 12:22

Health Benefits of Raw Local Honey

Raw honey is a natural and beneficial way to cure allergies while building a stronger immune system.
Published in Staying Well
Learn how to uncover the hidden truth of unhealthy "health food" pitfalls and avoid them altogether.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 12:11

Should You Feed Your Children Organic Food?

Do you absolutely have to feed your family organic foods? Is the expense even worth it?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 11:00

Chemicals in Food Can Affect Your Child's Hormones

Learn how to limit your family's exposure to additives and chemicals that could be affecting your child's hormone levels.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 11:33

Hybrid, GMO & Heirloom Seeds

GMOs are a growing health concern. But what are your other options? Would you know the difference between GMO, hybrid and heirloom seeds?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Your clothes may contain toxic additives and could be harming the environment. Learn what you can do to make a change.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 11:22

Entertaining the Vegan Way

Learn how you can throw a vegan happy hour in your own home.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 11:11

Foods that Promote Self-Healing

You are what you eat. Learn which foods can help promote self-healing.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 11:00

Reboot Your Health with a Plant-Based Diet

Are you ready for a wellness reboot? The Blissful Chef will show you how.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Learn how you can get the safest meats and produce the next time you go grocery shopping.
Published in Naturally Savvy
20 Surprising Things That May Cause Cancer...
  • Mammography radiation
  • Chemotherapy and radiation
  • Perfumes and fragrance products
  • Cosmetics and personal care products
  • Home cleaning products, including laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc.
  • Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic dairy products
  • Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids.
  • Plastic food containers - includes plastic lining inside food cans.
  • Sodium nitrite - found in most processed meats.
  • Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals.
Published in RadioMD Blog

Fancy scientists call it adaption, or the survival of the fittest. We call it eating smart.

But whatever you call it, here are foods that help your body fight off those “endocrine disrupters” (thank you Tori) that we have been talking about on the show.

1. Cruciferous veggies: Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower Brussel sprouts and cabbage contain several powerful nutrients that detoxify bad estrogenic molecules. These nutrients include Indole-3 Acetate, Indole-3 Carbonyl and Diindolylmethane. These cruciferous veggies also contain sulfur containing nutrients such as Sulfuraphane and Phenyl Isothiocyanates that enhance liver detoxification processes and destroy cancer cell formation.

2. Healthy fat-rich foods: These are foods that are rich in saturated and omega-3 fatty acids. It includes plant based fats such as coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocados. Raw nuts (other than peanuts) and seeds contain anti-estrogenic plant sterols. Organic poultry, wild-caught salmon, wild game and 100% grass-fed beef are great for healthy hormone function.

3. Alium family: The aliums include garlic, onions, scallions, chives and leeks. These are all rich in sulfur-containing amino acids and the powerful flavone anti-oxidant quercetin that both help the liver detoxify at a higher level and reduce the production of estrogen.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 11:45

Have You Had Your Green Drink Today?

Green drinks and smoothies are all the rage and for very good, very healthy reasons.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 12 June 2013 11:45

Living a Natural Lifestyle

It's not at all as hard as you'd think. Get the skinny on the easy-living natural lifestyle.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 27 April 2013 16:25

The Lessons of Organic Farming

Organic farming can reveal the hidden connections between how you care for your body and how you grow your food.
Saturday, 27 April 2013 16:00

What is Sustainable Health?

Sustainable Health: How organic farming can reveal the hidden connections between your health and the food you eat.
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