Natural Neurology: Keep Your Brain Healthy & Alert the All-Natural Way

How can you keep your brain healthy and alert the all-natural way?
Does your brain actually age?

And, if so, is there a way to prevent memory loss the way you would prevent wrinkles on your face as you age?

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your brain healthy and alert, the all-natural way. 

Jason W. Kelberman, DC, BCIM, DMBBP, is the owner and founder of the Westside Wellness Center, where treatments utilize lifestyle changes, nutritional therapies, modern chiropractic care, physical therapy modalities, acupuncture without needles, exercise rehabilitation, blood, urine, saliva and stool analysis to address a variety of health issues, including brain health.

Dr. Kelberman joins Dr. Susanne to explain more about "natural neurology," as well as simple ways you can keep your brain youthful and healthy.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1530wl5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Jason W. Kelberman, DC, BCIM, DMBBP
  • Guest Bio: Jason-KelbermanJason W. Kelberman, D.C., BCIM, DMBBP, is the owner and founder of the Westside Wellness Center, a chiropractic corporation for education, non surgical treatment and prevention programs. The letters after Dr. Kelberman’s name refer to: DC-doctor of chiropractic, BCIM-Board certified Integrative Medicine, DMBBP-Diplomate in manipulative therapy.

    The treatments at Westside Wellness Center are designed to eliminate acute or chronic pain as fast as possible without drugs or surgery, utilizing lifestyle changes, nutritional therapies, modern chiropractic care, physical therapy modalities, acupuncture without needles, exercise rehabilitation, blood, urine, saliva and stool analysis.

    Dr. Kelberman is a chiropractor who can integrate chiropractic care, physical therapy modalities, metabolic nutritional therapy, exercise rehabilitation and acupuncture without needles into a complete treatment protocol.

    Westside Wellness Center was the first office in Los Angeles to offer a comprehensive treatment program for the treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy. Treating nerve damage successfully by treating neurologically and metabolically.

    Dr. Kelberman’s life’s work is a chiropractic specialty known as “Applied Kinesiology.” He is a master in the diagnosis and treatment of sport related and injuries of all types. Tennis is Dr. Kelberman’s favorite sport and Afghan Hound dogs are one of his passions.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC