Selected Podcast

Good Dental Habits for Baby Teeth

Teething time is stressful for parents and babies.

Primary or baby teeth begin erupting between three and 12 months of age. The two lower front teeth tend to erupt first, and the two upper front teeth usually come in a month or two later.

It's tough to know your child is teething before the vocabulary is there to explain the pain.

It's also important to use this time to educate your child on good dental health habits.

What do you need to know about baby teeth?
  • Using a clean finger to rub your baby's gums can help.
  • Chilled teething toys that can't break apart can feel nice on the gums.
  • Fever is not an indicator of teething.
  • Start good habits early. Use a gentle toothbrush or warm washcloth on the teeth each night as soon as the teeth erupt.
  • No bottles or sippy cups of juice or milk in bed because they promote bad habits and harm the teeth.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics endorses "Brush, Book, Bed." Brush teeth, read a book, go to bed.
Listen in as Dr. Elizabeth Murray discusses how to teach your children good dental health.
Good Dental Habits for Baby Teeth
Elizabeth Murray, DO, FAAP
Murray Elizabeth DODr. Elizabeth Murray is a Physician specializing in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Upstate, NY. She graduated from Skidmore College with a BA in Economics and then, prior to medical school, she earned an MBA at the University of Rochester's Simon School of Business Administration.

Upon completing her Residency training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, she returned to her hometown of Rochester to complete her Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Strong Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Murray holds a dual appointments to both the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and the Division of Pre-hospital Medicine at the University of Rochester. Additionally, she holds an appointment as Deputy Emergency Medical Services Medical Director for Monroe County and serves on the Regional EMS Council as the Pediatric Content Expert.