Selected Podcast

Winter Safety: Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Playing in the snow is one of the gems of childhood. Few memories are as delightful as that mug of hot chocolate after digging tunnels in the snow.

Before sending your child out to conquer the winter wonderland, it's important to make sure you've protected your darling from the cold.

Cold weather tips for babies:
  • Know the temperature and how the wind chill factor can affect the body. Do you really have to go outside?
  • Invest in a car seat with a carrier. Warm the carrier inside so baby gets a warm seat.
  • Dress your baby in a normal layer of clothing and a hat. Strap baby into the car seat, then drape a blanket over the baby. Be sure your baby's face is free.

Cold weather tips for all ages:

  • Monitor your child for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.
  • Bring your child inside if there are complaints of a burning sensation in the skin, if the skin is bluish or reddish, if there is shivering, or if speech is slurred.
  • Dress your child in layers.
  • Plan outdoor activity for the warmest part of the day.
  • Use sunscreen.
  • Check in to be sure your child isn't too hot or too cold.

Special tips for teen drivers in winter:

  • Enroll your child (or whole family) in a defensive driving or winter driving class.
  • Have a clear set of guidelines for winter driving; perhaps restricting other passengers or determining ahead of time when it's okay to take the car.
  • Be sure the child gets some practice while you're in the car.
  • Low visibility, people walking in the road, other drivers, and ease of stopping the moving vehicle are concerns. Make sure your teen knows about these hazards.
Listen in as Dr. Elizabeth Murray shares helpful tips on how to keep your child bundled and safe.
Winter Safety: Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Elizabeth Murray, DO, FAAP
Murray Elizabeth DODr. Elizabeth Murray is a Physician specializing in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Upstate, NY. She graduated from Skidmore College with a BA in Economics and then, prior to medical school, she earned an MBA at the University of Rochester's Simon School of Business Administration.

Upon completing her Residency training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, she returned to her hometown of Rochester to complete her Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Strong Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Murray holds a dual appointments to both the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and the Division of Pre-hospital Medicine at the University of Rochester. Additionally, she holds an appointment as Deputy Emergency Medical Services Medical Director for Monroe County and serves on the Regional EMS Council as the Pediatric Content Expert.