Selected Podcast

Grandparent Caregivers Safe To Watch Your Kids?

The number of grandparent caregivers continues to grow, and while these older adults may be experienced in caring for young children, many are unaware of more recent safety and other recommendations – including those related to appropriate child sleep position, crib safety, car seat and walker use.

Are the grandparents that care for your children aware of all the new safety guidelines?
Grandparent Caregivers Safe To Watch Your Kids?
Dr. Amanda Soong, MD, and Dr.Kathryn Hines, MD
photo soong resizedAmanda Soong, MD, received her BS in Biology from the University of Alabama and completed her medical education at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham, AL. Following graduation, she completed a pediatric residency at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). She currently is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at UAB, with interests in pediatric education and Grandparent Caregivers. She is married to a general pediatrician and is mom to 2 children, ages 3 and 1.

Headshot 2012 hinesKathryn Hines, MD,  received her Bachelors of Science in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Tennessee.  She graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine in May 2012, and is currently a pediatrics resident physician at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  Academic interests include quality improvement and resident education and curriculum development.