Wednesday, 15 January 2014 11:11

It's Never Too Late to Change to a Raw Diet

Brad Gruno, founder of Brad's Raw Foods, explains how it's never too late to add raw food to your diet and make those important (and life-saving) changes.
Are you looking to make a lifestyle change? It's never too late.

Perhaps you want to change your diet and feel healthier and more energetic. One such way to eat healthier is to incorporate a raw diet into your daily nutritional routine.

Simply changing your diet in this way will actually help alleviate the food cravings you are accustomed to dealing with.

Once the body has been cleansed, you will have more energy and have less cravings because your body will be receiving the proper nutrition it needs.

Back in 2006, Brad Gruno, founder of Brad's Raw Foods, was the typical American guy--overweight, high cholesterol, low energy, didn’t sleep well.

Then something remarkable happened.

He was introduced to the documentary film Eating which highlights the benefits of a plant-based diet. He immediately adopted a raw diet, lost 40 pounds and completely overhauled his health.

In this segment, Brad will help you understand why a raw diet is so very beneficial to better health.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1403ns3b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Brad Gruno, Raw food expert
  • Book Title: Brad's Raw Made Easy
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @BradsRawFoods
  • Guest Bio: Brad Gruno is the Founder & CEO of the popular raw food company, Brad's Raw Foods. Back in 2006, Brad was the typical American guy--overweight, high cholesterol, low energy, didn’t sleep well. Sound familiar? Then something remarkable happened. He was introduced to the documentary film Eating, which highlights the benefits of a plant-based diet. He immediately adopted a raw diet, lost 40 pounds and completely overhauled his health, discovering a youthful energy he hadn’t experienced since his 20s. Though he was completely invested in his new way of eating, he did miss traditional American snack food, so he began experimenting with raw chips made from fresh vegetables, sprouted flax seeds, fruit nuts, buckwheat groats and an array of spices.

    This quest for that “familiar crunch” eventually led to the creation of Brad’s Raw Foods, and his product lines now include Brad's Raw Chips, Brad's Raw Leafy Kale, Brad's Raw Onion Rings and Brad's Raw 4 Paws. All of his products are dehydrated below 115 degrees, retaining healthy enzymes and nutrients, which aids digestion. They are all also certified organic, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free and kosher. Though Brad's job is to continue to oversee the success of Brad’s Raw Foods, he loves traveling around and connecting with people in order to “spread the kale.” Raw food (and especially kale!) completely changed Brad's health and life, and his products and company’s mission inspire others to do the same. Brad's book, Brad's Raw Made Easy, published by Crown Archetype, will launch on December 31, 2013.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH