Selected Podcast

Forrest Yoga: Connecting Your Mind, Body & Soul

Finding peace within your everyday life can be extremely difficult, especially when you're living in a world that's constantly on the go.

Many individuals have turned to yoga to combat this... not only to concentrate on the present, but also to shape and strengthen the body.

Forrest Yoga is a more modern approach to yoga (based on Hatha yoga), that challenges you to stay in poses for long periods of time while concentrating on breathing through your emotional, physical, spiritual pain.

Even though Forrest Yoga has been around for many years, it has gained the attention of many who are focused on strengthening the mind, soul, and body. Forrest Yoga helps you connect through deep breathing, high temperatures and different sequences of poses. Through this process you build and connect your relationship with your whole being (mind, body, soul).

So, why should you be open to trying Forrest Yoga?

Known as the yoga teacher with healing powers, Brian Campbell shares why Forrest Yoga is different than other types of yoga and all the powerful benefits associated with the practice.
Forrest Yoga: Connecting Your Mind, Body & Soul
Brian Campbell, Yoga Instructor
brian CBrian Campbell is known as the "Yoga Teacher with Healing Hands." His passion is to teach people how to use Bodywork and Yoga to relieve pain.

Brian has taught Forrest Yoga and Bodywork for the past 12 years throughout the United States, Canada, Asia, and Europe. He is a "Guardian Teacher," the highest level of distinction in the Forrest Yoga System.

He is the designated Mentor Teacher for all of Southern California and parts of the southwest United States. Brian continues to maintain a nourishing and collaborative relationship with his first Yoga Teacher, Ana Forrest. Brian is also a Certified Massage Therapist with 15 years experience specializing in treating pain.

He was a Lead Instructor at the Shiatsu Massage School of California in Santa Monica from 2006-2014, teaching Anatomy & Physiology, Pain & Orthopedic Evaluation, Deep-Tissue Massage, and Advanced Myo-Fascial Anatomy & Treatment Courses. Brian trained under the tutelage of Bodywork Master Dr. Vincent Medici from 2001-2009 and considers these years of hands-on training the foundation in his approach to resolving pain.

Brian presently teaches weekly Forrest Yoga Classes at his home studio in Los Angeles and monthly Master Classes at Exhale in Venice, CA. He currently leads BodyWork Yoga Study Groups in Los Angeles, and leads BodyWork Yoga Mentorship Groups in Newcastle, England, Seoul, Korea and other Yoga Centers in Europe, Asia, and the United States.