Give Your Gut a Makeover

Revolutionary new science has shown that the state of our gut is central to our weight, health, immune system and mood.
Revolutionary new science has shown that the state of our gut is central to our weight, health, immune system and mood.

Packed with easy-to-follow advice, the latest science, meal plans and delicious recipes, Jeannette Hyde's book, The Gut Makeover, is a radical new approach to eating and living.

Jeannette joins host Lisa Davis to explain how you can control your weight, improve your skin, sleep better, lift your spirits, and strengthen your immune system for good.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: talk_healthy/tt115.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Jeannette Hyde, Registered Nutritional Therapist
  • Book Title: The Gut Makeover: 4 Weeks to Nourish Your Gut, Revolutionise Your Health and Lose Weight
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Bio: Jeannette-HydeJeannette Hyde is a leading Registered Nutritional Therapist (BSc mBANT, CNHC) who specializes in helping people lose weight, improve digestive symptoms, skin, mood, memory and immune system, through her innovative gut diet approach. She practices nutritional therapy from a Functional Medicine approach one-to-one, in groups, and on her popular retreats.

    She is a regular speaker on BBC and has featured in The Times, The Daily Telegraph and numerous magazines and web sites. She is involved in gut-brain research with St Mary's University in London.

    Hyde is the author of The Gut Makeover, and The Gut Makeover Recipe Book, which were published in 2016 and have reached thousands of people in the UK with transformational health for many.
  • Length (mins): 28:17
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Lisa Davis