Moticise: Reset Your Mindset & Reshape Your Body

Moticise, created by Sonia Satra, unites mind, body and spirit with empowering, cutting-edge fitness and mind-focusing techniques.
What if you could fulfill your heart’s deepest dreams, recapture the joy of life? Who would you be if nothing were standing in your way?

You can change your life and become all you want to be. Moticise, created by Sonia Satra, unites mind, body and spirit with empowering, cutting-edge fitness and mind-focusing techniques.

Science reveals that exercise creates new neural pathways in your brain. Moticise liberates that potential, skillfully guiding you toward the life you desire, one step, one interval, one right hook at a time. It helps train your mind and body all at once, creating a whole new you.

Not only that, it’s FUN!

Sonia joins host Lisa Davis to share more about this approach.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: talk_healthy/tt114.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Sonia Satra
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @soniasatra
  • Guest Bio: Sonia-Satra1Sonia Satra is a certified life coach, fitness instructor, and award-winning motivational speaker who brings her passion for helping people achieve their goals to thousands of individuals, companies, and groups every year.

    A pioneer in the field of mind-body alignment, Sonia is the founder and CEO of Moticise, an exercise-plus-mindset program that revolutionizes the way people work out and achieve their dreams.

    Formerly president of the National Speakers Association NYC, Sonia developed a one-of-a-kind Perspectives program that has taught thousands to use their bodies as a decision-making tool. She is also the founder of Women’s Empowerment Adventures, a NYC-based company which combines a life history workshop with a physical challenge such as kayaking, trapeze, and rock-climbing.

    With over 10,000 hours of onscreen and stage acting, the former soap opera star continues to act in both theatre and onscreen, most recently guest-starring in the docudramas American Genius, Sons of Liberty, and the Emmy-winning The Men Who Built America.

    Sonia currently offers regular Moticise classes in New York City, partnering with Athleta, BeFitNYC, Fresh Diet, and others. She has appeared on local and national TV and radio; in 2015, she presented on the main stage at the over-80,000-attended NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo in Washington, DC.

    When she’s not designing the next Moticise workout, she’s spending time with her husband and two children, and looking for her next adventure.
  • Length (mins): 23:43
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Lisa Davis